Show them some love… Square Enix #DAW2015

As part of the annual Developer Appreciation Week (running till 4th April), I see that Rowan Blaze of I Have Touched the Sky has a post up inviting us to write something positive about our favourite developer(s). It’s something I heartily agree with. I’ve spent years reading blogs and forums related to MMORPG and there is far too much negativity, although that’s probably just a reflexion of the general Internet more than something specific to gamers.

I’d invite you to read the actual post in full rather than reducing it to a few quotes. I’m currently gaming very little but when I do Final Fantasy XIV is providing just the right mix of high fantasy and traditional combat. Square Enix through massive efforts bucked a trend in the genre and managed to rescue the game from a disastrous launch to morph it into the polished A Realm Reborn version we have now. So thank you to all the devs at Square Enix for their efforts to right the game and to pump out so much content since the relaunch!

*wakes up after a 6 month sleep*

*wakes up after a 6 month sleep*

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