And now for something completely different … #Wakfu

My husband and I were looking for something different to play together, as a bit of a break from solely playing Guild Wars 2, and I happened upon Wakfu – a tactical turn-based MMORPG.

turn based combat … against sunflowers

We’ve poked around on a couple of classes each, playing through the tutorial as far as the city of Astrub. It is an almost overwhelming cutesy game, the monster animations, the character emotes – all cute to the max. So far I haven’t found this to be too much, the quality of the graphics is pretty impressive for an isometric game. There’s some nice humour as well, I do find the characters endearing.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Squid?

So far the only negative I’ve come across is the apparent spotty grouping in the intro story content – we couldn’t group up at all in the Incarnum zone, except during the dungeon at the end with the boss fight.

I’m hoping at some point the game will open up properly and stop dumping us into solo stuff – sure this is still an extended tutorial I think, but I find forced solo content so annoying in an MMORPG.

Other than this potential roadblock the game seems well worth an extended try – I’m playing Foggernaut now, having also tried Feca. My Foggernaut is paired with an Eniripsa healer so we’ll have a tank-healer combo to try duo’ing some dungeons.

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