EQ2: crafting in Frostfell Village

So last night I had a brief chance for an EQ2 game, and decided rather than running seasonal instances to get some crafting done. Last year I didn’t really touch on this, though in part because I didn’t have a clue what to do! I had to resort to some reading on the wikis as otherwise I’d have wasted hours and probably gotten nowhere!

Colour of boxes matters

Colour of boxes matters

The colour of the boxes, especially the one on top, matters as to what random list of Frostfell only materials you will receive. So for me as a tailor, I needed to concentrate on those with a blue box on top.

Gathering merrily we go

Gathering merrily we go

It took me a good half hour to gather all that I needed, in part as there were other players also going for the blue-box-on-top piles. In the end I started gathering other sorts as well just in case, like with creatures in LoTRO, you can end up with all the wrong sort until some are removed (i.e. shared spawn points)…

Festive robes

Festive robes

There are festive robes, and some really lovely winter scarves to make as part of the festival. In the end I managed to make the brown scarf I wanted, plus some extra scarves and robes to sell on the broker.

All in all a very satisfying session, and I didn’t have to kill one single creature the whole time. EQ2 is one of the very few MMOs that really supports non-violent gameplay. All of the crafting materials from last year had vanished when I got my Frostfell bag out of storage so I presume that’ll happen again once the event finishes. Still I have all crafted that I wanted for this year, for those who are playing, enjoy Frostfell!

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1 Response to EQ2: crafting in Frostfell Village

  1. kaozz says:

    I popped in for a few, so many awesome crafting items for the holiday. Ugh, now I have to make more time to work on them, lol!

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